Pick-Up/Drop-Off Procedures
Silent Dismissal System
Here are some things that our families can do to support our staff with the ultimate goal being to dismiss and load all students safely each day, 3:45-4:00 p.m.:
- ALL students need a car tag/number this year with a corresponding numbered backpack tag. PLEASE help your student memorize his/her “tag number” right away.
- Parents need to communicate the primary dismissal method for their child to the teacher:
- Bus rider – and bus number, if known
- Car pickup
- Walker pickup: Parent parks in the school lot and walks up to the “walker pickup” location – watch for the sandwich board sign indicating where to line up. Parents will need to state their child’s “tag number” to the staff member who will enter the number into the digital system.
- Walker or biker – students will only be released as a biker or walker if parents communicate to the teacher that this is the primary mode of transportation home and the students are walking home within the “Safe Walking Route” (see district website for the map).
- NOTE: Parking off-site is not recommended. It is unsafe to release students to walk off property to meet parked cars. If a parent parks off-site, they MUST select the “walker pickup” option above and follow the procedure to physically retrieve their student. There will be no exceptions to this. Thank you for your support!
- For Car Pickup: The Car Tag should be displayed on the rearview mirror with the number facing out so our staff can see it clearly.
- If a change in the normal dismissal plan is needed for a student, the parent/guardian must contact the office no later than 3:00 p.m. using one of these two methods only:
- Office line: (253) 891-4750
- Office email: EHE@sumnersd.org
Pick-up/Dismissal Procedures
- Please review the “car tag” procedures below.
- Cars form a single line behind the sandwich board in the car loop.
- Walker pick up – form a line on the sidewalk behind the sign & provide your student’s “tag number” to the staff member. Students will be released to parents with staff supervision when the bell rings at 3:45.
EHE Car Pick-Up: Car Tags
Our goal is to be able to dismiss students as quickly as possible, yet ensure every child is safe and with the appropriate adult. Below is a review of the pick-up routine. We will be dismissing all students at 3:45 pm.
NOTE: Every year you will receive a new number to ensure student safety so your car tag from last school year will not work.
Pick Up Expectations:
- Display the pick-up number in your windshield by hanging it from the rearview mirror (facing out) so staff can easily identify the vehicle and have students ready.
- If an alternate person is going to pick up the student, please give them the pick-up number and write a note for our office staff. Have your child give the note to their teacher in advance and the teacher will share with the office staff.
- Pull into the pick-up loop in front of the building and remain in your vehicle. This allows all cars to move ahead in an orderly and safe manner. (Please do not park in the car pickup line or leave your vehicle unattended.) NOTE: Staff will only load students into vehicles on the passenger side for their safety.
- As you’re pulling away to leave, please be sure to watch for pedestrians and other cars. We need your help to keep the school and your children safe. EVERY child’s safety is important to us. It remains our highest priority to ensure that students enter and exit cars in a safe and organized way, so we are asking everyone to correctly follow our pick-up and drop-o procedures. Failure to do so creates chaos, frustration, and unsafe conditions.
Each family should discuss the loading procedures and help their children memorize his/her CAR TAG number. We appreciate your help in keeping our parking lot and pick up area safe!