EHE Newsletters 2024-25
- Principal message
- Character Trait of the Month: Perseverance
- Kids Heart Challenge
- When to keep your child at home
- 2025 STEM Fair
- Key dates
- Message from the principal
- Thank you, voters! Bond passes
- Mayor's Food Drive: Nov. 1-15
- Veterans Day Assembly
- STEM Fair Poster Contest
- Key Dates
- Principal message
- Veterans Day Assembly: Nov. 8
- Laker PTA
- Key dates
- Principal message
- Dress up Spirit Day: Oct. 31
- Check your mail! Ballots have arrived
- Veterans Day Assembly
- Community Work Party
- Key dates
- Principal's Message
- Bond measure FAQs
- Veterans Day Assembly - Posting of Colors
- Dia de los Muertos: Ofrenda
- WatchDogs Meeting: Oct. 17
- EHE Community Work Party: Oct. 19
- Vision & hearing screening: Oct. 22
- STEM Fair Poster Contest
- Key Dates
Archived Newsletters
EHE Newsletters
- Message from the principal
- Notes from the front office
- Important upcoming dates
- PTA contact information
- June PurposeFull People Character Trait: Kindness
- Message from the principal
- SBA testing has arrived
- May is Asian American Pacific Heritage Month
- School updates/reminders
- From our front office team
- Upcoming dates for EHE
- PTA Contact Information
- Message from the principal
- April is National Autism Awareness Month
- School updates/reminders
- Information from our front office team
- Updates from the district:
- Community Cultural Celebration
- Kindergarten registration
- Important EHE dates
- Message from the Principal
- March is Women's History Month
- Laura Young named Pierce Conservation District Educator of the Year
- School Updates/Reminders
- Message from our front office team
- SBLSD to participate in regional lahar exercise March 21
- Community Cultural Celebration: April 20
- Free Love & Logic Parenting Workshops
- Kindergarten registration is open
- Important dates
- PTA Contact Information
- Message from the principal
- From our front office team
- Free Love & Logic parenting series at Emerald Hills
- Community Cultural Celebration: April 20
- Kindergarten registration
- Props on the Feb.13 ballot
- Important upcoming dates
- PTA contact information
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
- October 2022
June 2023
Laker Anchor: 6/21/23
Posted by SBLSD on 6/21/2023
- Final call: Lost and found
- Thank you, retirees
- Options for families over the summer
- New for 2023-24
- Summer contact: from our front office team
- Important upcoming dates for EHE
- PTA information
Laker Anchor: 6/5/23
Posted by SBLSD on 6/5/2023
- Message from the principal
- From our front office team
- Important upcoming dates for EHE
- PTA information
- June PurposeFull People Character Trait: Kindness
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
Elementary Spring Conferences and Report Cards
Posted by SBLSD on 3/27/2023
Hello, Laker Families-
As we wrap up the final week before spring break, please keep the following in mind:
- Report Cards will be sent home with students today (Monday, March 27)
- 12:15 early release for our students for Spring Conferences on Tuesday & Wednesday (3/28 & 3/29)...breakfast and lunch will be served
- **Not all students are scheduled for a conference.
From the District
Elementary conferences: Early release March 28-29
Elementary spring parent/teacher conferences are taking place March 28 and 29. On these days, elementary schools release students according to their early dismissal schedule, which varies by school. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Middle and high schools remain on their normal full-day schedule.
Note: On these early dismissal days, afternoon bus stop drop-off times will be 3.5 hours earlier than when students are currently dropped off.
Elementary early release for March 28 and 29
11:40 a.m.: Crestwood, Daffodil Valley, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls
11:50 a.m.: Sumner Early Learning Center
12:15 p.m.: Bonney Lake, Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Tehaleh Heights
Please contact your child’s school with questions.
Have a wonderful spring break week April 3-7!
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
Laker Anchor: 3/6/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/6/2023
- Message from the principal
- Ned's Mindset visit
- Important safety reminder
- From our front office team
- Important upcoming dates
- Information from the district
- PTA information
February 2023
Laker Anchor: 2/6/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/6/2023
- Greetings, Laker Families!
- Important Safety Reminder
- From our front office team
- Important Upcoming Dates
- Kindergarten registration
- Free workshop helps families prepare children for kindergarten
- Free 'Love and Logic' parenting workshop series this spring
- PTA information
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
September 2022
Laker Anchor: 9/25/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/25/2022
- Greetings, Laker Families!
- October: National Disability Awareness Month and National Bullying Prevention Month
- Nuts and bolts
- Attendance matters
- From our front office team
- Important upcoming dates for EHE
- PTA contact information
Laker Anchor: 9/11/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/11/2022
- Greetings, Laker Families
- Message from our front office
- Important dates
- PTA contact information
EHE Connection: 9/3/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/3/2022
- Greetings Laker families
- Morning drop off, start times and reminders
- Pickup/dismissal procedures
- School supplies
- Important upcoming dates
- PTA contact information
August 2022
EHE Connection: 8/29/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/29/2022
- Greetings, Laker Families!
- Back-to-School Night information
EHE Connection: 8/13/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/15/2022
- Greetings, Laker families!
- New faces at EHE
- Contact information
- School supply information
- Class placement cards
- Back to School Night: Sept. 1
- Kindergarten students
- Start times and morning drop off reminders
- Important upcoming dates
- Other Back-to-School information
- PTA contact information
October 2022
- June 2022
- May 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- October 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021
June 2022
May 2022
EHE Connection: 5/27/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/27/2022
- Note from the principal
- Upcoming activities, events
- From the district: kindergarten registration
- From our PTA
- Contact information for main office
EHE Connection: 5/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/2/2022
- Greetings, Laker Families!
- Activities on the horizon
- Important dates
- Nuts & Bolts
- From the district
- From our PTA
- Contact information
April 2022
March 2022
February 2022
January 2022
December 2021
November 2021
EHE Connection: 11/1/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/1/2021
What a beautiful (but chilly) fall weekend! Our Fall Festive Colors day last Friday was such a great way to launch the holiday season. It has been so wonderful observing students engaged in the fun, themed, and creative classroom learning activities. Please be sure to ask your students about what they are learning and check out our school’s Facebook page for a glimpse into the fun! :)
Classrooms have all completed fall benchmark assessments, and we are looking forward to meeting with our families during the upcoming conferences to discuss student progress. If you have not already, please be sure to connect with your child’s teacher to schedule an in person or Zoom conference.
A couple reminders for review:
Now that we are well into the fall and have settled into routines and procedures for the school year, it would be helpful for families to review a few items from the district’s 21-22 Student and Family Information Guide, specifically the sections regarding Academics, School Safety, and Students Rights and Responsibilities.
Please remind students that toys and other non-essential school items should be left at home and not brought to school in the backpacks (unless the item is related to a teacher-directed class activity).
Mask wearing -- We have been doing a GREAT job at Emerald Hills! However, it always helps to review/reteach in education so please take a few minutes to review with your child the CDC guidance linked into our district website to ensure the proper fitting of masks worn to school.
Important Upcoming Dates for EHE:
11/5 -- Cherrydale PTA Fundraiser packets go home with students (please see PTA Facebook page or the PTA website for more details)
11/9 -- PTA Meeting
11/11 -- Veterans Day (no school)
11/12 -- Veterans "Video" Assembly for all students in the classrooms
11/16 -- Picture retake day & Distance Learning Academy student picture day
11/17, 11/18, 11/19 & 11/23 -- 12:15 early release for conferences (Report Cards will be provided to parents at in person conferences and sent home with students for Zoom conferences)
11/24-26 -- Thanksgiving Break
Nuts & Bolts
A Message from Miss G (music teacher): Veteran's Day is right around the corner! In the absence of an in person assembly, we are going to have a schoolwide viewing of a "Veteran's Day Presentation" shown in each classroom. All Lakers, students and staff, will have a chance to honor veterans that they are close to in this video. Please use this link (form closes Nov. 5): Veterans Day Google Form
To help with the wardrobe....we have ongoing weekly themed days for school spirit: Mondays -- Character Trait/Positive/Inspirational quote day, Wednesdays -- Laker Gear, and Fridays -- Blue Friday/Favorite Sports team/College day
The first Thursday of each month we will have a special “Spirit Dress-up” day as selected by our 5th grade leaders.
From the District
School meals will continue to be provided to all students at no cost throughout the 2021-22 school year. While applications have not been required for children to receive free meals during the pandemic, we still strongly encourage eligible families to complete the Free and Reduced-price Meal Application as they may also qualify to have fees waived or reduced for ASB cards, sports participation and other extracurricular activities. For more information, contact Child Nutrition Services: (253) 891-6450,
READY! for Kindergarten is a free program that offers age-appropriate targets, trainings and tools for parents and caregivers of children birth to age five that ensure children success in school.
Contact information for our main office
(253) 891-4750
PTA Contact Information
In order to stay up on our PTA, please make a note of the following contact information:
2021-22 PTA Executive Board
President - Sheila Hixon
Vice President - Jenn Dery
Treasurer - Rhiannon Dodgen
Secretary - Debbie Epperson
PTA website:
You can always like "Emerald Hills Elementary PTA" on Facebook
PTA Laker Spirit Wear (UPDATED Link for ordering)
Thank you for your continued support of our school community. Our Laker Purposefull People Character Trait for the month of November is “Gratitude…Choosing to notice & appreciate things in our life, things in others, & things in the world.” Your follow up at home reinforcing your child as he/she demonstrates “gratitude” each day would be a wonderful home-school connection. The background for our Laker Purposefull People Character Traits can be accessed through the Character Strong website. Thank you for raising such amazing children that desire to be Purposefull People.
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
October 2021
EHE Fall Conference Plan: 10/19/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/19/2021
We are thrilled to be able to offer all our families Zoom or in person conferences this fall! Over the next week, your child’s teacher will be reaching out to you with a plan for scheduling your conference day/time.
Emerald Hills Elementary Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Plan
When: 11/17, 11/18 (evening conferences also available), and 11/19
Where: Option for scheduling in Zoom or in person at EHE (please watch for specific teacher communication on how this will be scheduled)
In person conferences will need to adhere to the following protocols:
No more than two adults attending the conference with or without the student
Please plan on leaving students/siblings/other children at home (unless the teacher has requested that the student be a part of the conference)
Masks need to be worn at all times (3-layer surgical masks will be provided at the door, if needed)
Teacher/adult/student will be seated at least 6 feet apart in the classroom
Adults enter through the main entrance doors and will check in/sign in at the main office prior to heading directly to their child’s classroom and exit the building promptly through the main entrance at the conclusion of the conference
If you are scheduled for “in person” but begin having ANY cold or flu symptoms, please reach out directly to your child’s teacher and request that a Zoom conference be held instead.
Thank you in advance for replying promptly to your child’s teacher so that she is able to create a Zoom or “in person” conference schedule that supports the requests of families.
Have a very nice week!
September 2021
EHE Connection: 9/27/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/27/2021
What an exciting first three weeks of the school year here at EHE! If you have been keeping up on our Facebook page, you will see some fun pictures shared from around the school. With fall starting last week, we can definitely see the weather changing. Please remember to send appropriate layers to school with your child for wetter and colder weather.
Important Update: The outdoor PTA meeting that was scheduled for this Tuesday (9/28) has been rescheduled due to the weather. It will now be Tuesday, Oct. 5.
Important Upcoming Dates for EHE:
10/1 -- Picture Day! (see attachment)
10/18 -- No school for students (teacher training day)
11/11 -- Veterans Day (no school)
11/16 -- Picture retake day & Distance Learning Academy student picture day
11/17, 11/18, 11/19 & 11/23 -- 12:15 early release for conferences
Nuts & Bolts
Reminder: If you pick your child up at the end of the school day, our pickup process concludes at 4:00pm. If you arrive after 4:00pm, you will need to park and come into our main office where your child will be waiting.
If there are any changes in how your child will be getting home for the day, please send a note with your child or call the main office by 3:00pm.
Attendance Works -- great resources to start off our year strong! (see attachment)
To help with the wardrobe....we will have ongoing weekly themed days for school spirit: Mondays -- Character Trait/Positive/Inspirational quote day, Wednesdays -- Laker Gear, and Fridays -- Blue Friday/Favorite Sports team/College day
Contact information for our main office
(253) 891-4750
PTA Contact Information
In order to stay up on our PTA, please make a note of the following contact information:
2021-22 PTA Executive Board
President - Sheila Hixon
Vice President - Jenn Dery
Treasurer - Rhiannon Dodgen
Secretary - Debbie Epperson
PTA website:
You can always like "Emerald Hills Elementary PTA" on Facebook
PTA Spirit Wear
Thank you for your continued support of our school community. Our Laker Purposefull People Character Trait for the month of October is “Respect…Seeing good in people and things and treating them with care.” Your follow up at home reinforcing your child as he/she demonstrates “respect” each day would be a wonderful home-school connection. The background for our Laker Purposefull People Character Traits can be accessed through the Character Strong website. Thank you for raising such amazing children that desire to be Purposefull People.
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
Please continue to follow us on Facebook
August 2021
EHE Connection: 8/30/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/30/2021
Greetings, Laker Families-
The first day of school is almost here, and postcards have been mailed home to indicate your child's teacher. (This also has been made visible in Family Access.) The Laker staff are working hard to have everything just right to welcome you at our Back to School Night! Our PTA has also been creating a fun activity "adventure map" to help guide your family through the event. Here are some more details as you plan for the evening:
- Date: Thursday, September 2
- Time: 4:30-5:30pm (A-M) and 5:30-6:30pm (N-Z) **Thank you for planning to attend during the hour that aligns with the first letter of your child's last name.
- Limit 2 adults per family attending for the evening
- Masks will be required while walking through the building (but the majority of the event will be held outside where masks are not required)
- Car Tags will be available (to be hung on your rearview mirror if you plan on picking up you child after school)
As a reminder, we are now welcoming a $20 Supply Fee donation per child to ensure students have the necessary school supplies in the classrooms. You can easily pay this online prior to the Back to School Night to minimize the need to do this in person. (However, we will have an office staff member outside at a station to help with this process.) The instructions can be found on the attached document for your convenience.
Have a wonderful week, and we hope to see you all on Thursday!
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
EHE School Supplies: 8/24/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/24/2021
Greetings, Laker Families-
We are 2 weeks away from school starting and very excited to reconnect with our students and families! Our Emerald Hills Elementary office will open today (Aug. 24) at 8:00am to support the process for our school community. In order to provide some relief from back-to-school shopping, Emerald Hills Elementary is asking families to contribute a $20 donation per child to cover the cost of school supplies. As stated in our school newsletter on August 10, you may begin paying the $20 school supplies donation for each child at EHE. It can be a bit tricky to navigate online so here are some step-by-step instructions. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our office if you need assistance Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.
Contact our office:
(253) 891-4750
School Supplies -- $20 Donation per Child at the Elementary Level
Instructions for Online Payment of School Supply Donation of $20 (this covers supplies for your student this year).
Log on to SBLSD at (not Family Access)
Hover over SCHOOLS on the top banner
Click on grades K-12
Scroll down to elementary schools and click on EHE
Click on the dollar bill icon “Online Payments”
Click on the link “Direct payment Link Here”
Log in with your username and password (same as Family Access).
Click on your student that you would like to make a payment for
Click on “Shop”
Click on “Items at Student School”
Click on item you would like to pay
“School Supplies” “Grade Level” “Donation”
If you are able to contribute more than $20 to support a child in need, please feel free to increase your donation. (If you are unable to make the full donation, you may select a lesser amount.) Thank you for supporting our EHE classrooms!
Thank you again for your partnership as we get ready to launch a great year for our school community! Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
EHE Connection: 8/10/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/10/2021
Greetings, Laker Families-
What a beautiful summer it has been (and continues to be) in the Pacific Northwest! If you have not yet visited the district website recently, please start checking it on a regular basis for any pertinent district information as we wait with eager anticipation to have all our students in the building in just a few short weeks. We are so excited to see our Laker families! District Website
And...a big WELCOME to our new Laker staff...Mrs. Brines, Mrs. Maloney, Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. Studeman, Mr. Kelly, and Ms. Orthman:
New Faces/Positions at Emerald Hills
Carrie Brines - Kindergarten
Katie Kleven - Kindergarten
Laurie Colt-1st
Kassandra Maloney - 5th
Gena Hatch - 5th
Kelly Ashby – paraeducator
Abby Conzatti (Studeman) - paraeducator
Paul Kelly -- School Psychologist
Nicole Orthman - school nurse
As your household also begins to gear up for the 21-22 school year, here are some important items to make a note of as the countdown begins for the first day of school for grades 1-5, Tuesday, September 7:
Nuts & Bolts
Contact information for our main office (reopens for service on 8/24 at 8:00am)
(253) 891-4750
School Supplies, Key Dates for 21-22 & other "Back to School" news:
The School Supply information can be found on the SBLSD web page linked above. Rather than have our families shop from a school supply list for the 2021-22 school year, we are asking Emerald Hills Elementary Families to contribute a $20 supply donation for each student to cover the cost of school supplies. All students should be prepared for school with a backpack, refillable water bottle, face masks, and lunchbox (if bringing lunch from home).
The $20 donation for supplies can be paid now online through Family Access. (If you are needing assistance with this process, please contact our office when we're open for service on August 24 or we can assist you at Back-to-School Night.)
Class Placement Cards
Class placement cards will be mailed by Fri, Aug. 26 for grades 1-5. If you have not received a postcard by Thursday, Sept. 2, this information will be available to you at Back-to-School Night as well as in Family Access.
Save the date: Back-to School Night has been scheduled for Sept. 2...4:30-6:30pm. Please plan on reserving this day/time on your calendar but know that there are more details to come on what to expect for this FUN evening!
Kindergarten Students
All families with incoming kindergarten students will be receiving information regarding the individual Family Connection meeting with their respective teacher. This meeting will be taking place at EHE Sept. 7-9. The first day of kindergarten is Friday, Sept. 10 (9:00-3:45).
Start Times and Student Morning Drop Off...reminders:
Tues.-Fri. Student Day: 9:00-3:45 (drop off can begin at 8:45)
Mon. Student Day (NEW 90-min late start day): 10:35-3:45 (drop off can begin at 10:20)
Important Upcoming Dates for EHE:
9/2…4:30-6:30pm – EHE Back-to-School Night
10/1 -- Picture Day
Other information you might need to gear up for the start to the school year (bus schedules, etc.):
Bus schedules: Click here
Important District Dates for the School Year: LINK
PTA Contact Information
In order to stay up on our PTA, please make a note of the following contact information:
2021-22 PTA Executive Board
President - Sheila Hixon
Vice President - Jenn Dery
Treasurer - Rhiannon Dodgen
Secretary - Debbie Epperson Eheptamembershipchair@gmail.
com PTA website: https://emeraldhillspta. You can always like "Emerald Hills Elementary PTA" on Facebook
PTA Spirit Wear
This should be enough information to get us all off the ground. :) Please watch your email for our digital EHE monthly newsletter that will be sent at the beginning of every month. For easy access, you can also find it posted on our school website under “Principal’s Message.” If you are not receiving it or are unable to access it for some reason, please let our office know so we can ensure you have the information.
If you have any questions or need help accessing any information prior to our office opening on Aug. 24, please do not hesitate to email me directly at
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer & looking forward to seeing you soon!
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
Please continue to follow us on Facebook